Sep 1, 2024

What happened to Beauty?

Why can't the most advanced civilization in history create more beauty? This issue has always worried me. Yes, the demise of community cohesion is one culprit. (Why make beauty for such a blatantly materialistic, economic-centered society?) A more human-centered approach to public space would give something to all of us; AND our progeny.

Take the recent art sale of an NFT for $69 million. (Some of this artist's NFT works sell for a reasonable $1). Our culture is rapidly abandoning real body-centered deights (beauty, good foods, nature, face-to-face relationships, etc. etc.) in favor of strange intellectual hopes ("I own something unique and you should be impressed!") Apparently the mysterious buyer of the NFT is going to profit from splitting the digital file into many bits and selling those. Now you can buy a small piece of a unique NFT, an idea, that no one else owns! 

Humans crave beauty, a critical and universal nutrient that has largely lost its conscious value. Yet our bodies insist on that value, despite all our calculations to the contrary. Someday all those vacuous hopes will collapse as the young ones see through such blatant self-importance, insisting on real body-centered values. This is of course assuming that AI––which has no such inconvenient sensuous desires–– doesn't take over the world. Yes, the emperor has no clothes!

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Tim Holmes Studio

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Helena, MT, United States
My inspiration has migrated from traditional materials to working with the field of the psyche as if it were a theater. Many of my recent ideas and inspirations have to do with relationships and how we inhabit the earth and our unique slot in the story of evolution. I wish to use art– or whatever it is I do now– to move the evolution of humanity forward into an increasingly responsive, inclusive and sustainable culture. As globalization flattens peoples into capitalist monoculture I hope to use my art to celebrate historical cultural differences and imagine how we can co-create a rich future together.