Dec 5, 2009

Advent horror show- Krampus Comes!

One of the Austrian customs I am truly captivated with is the ancient tradition of the appearance during Advent of a character called Krampus, a scary cohort of St. Nick.  This is a fearsome, hairy man with great pointy horns, kind of an Anti-Santa, who comes to frighten bad children today, on Krampus Day.  He is native to only Austria (mostly the west), Bavaria and part of Hungary.

Centuries ago Krampus was banned by the Inquisition when his appearance was punishable by death.  But the tradition has crept back (don't spill the beans!).  In Advent festivals here you can encounter a "Krampus run", like a running of the bulls, when Krampus tears through crowds shaking huge bells and chains, whipping people to scare the evil out of them.  Here the monsters- several of them!- were accompanied by another amazing appearance: musicians with flaming trumpets!  (Austrians really love FIRE!)  But if you are creeped out by this, one source states that since Krampus day is followed immediately by Saint Nicholus Day, when St. N comes to fill childrens' shoes with gifts, "it's really not so bad!"     ...More photos here.
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Anonymous said...

Merry Krampus

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tim Holmes Studio

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Helena, MT, United States
My inspiration has migrated from traditional materials to working with the field of the psyche as if it were a theater. Many of my recent ideas and inspirations have to do with relationships and how we inhabit the earth and our unique slot in the story of evolution. I wish to use art– or whatever it is I do now– to move the evolution of humanity forward into an increasingly responsive, inclusive and sustainable culture. As globalization flattens peoples into capitalist monoculture I hope to use my art to celebrate historical cultural differences and imagine how we can co-create a rich future together.